Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

time for a change.

Dear Blog...

If you are here... you should go here :

I have moved.


Scot & Noelle +2

They quite possibly could be the coolest family ever to exist! I seriously believe these people were created to be photographed. No, really, from ‘moms’ fierce flair for fashion to ‘dads’ quiet-cool-collected-go-with-the-family-portrait-session-flow… and those kids?!? I swear, my cheeks burn from the constant smiling they evoke!

Aside from their stunning good looks and the coolness that oozes from them, I am truly honored to photograph such amazing family- It’s not often you come across people you admire for their spirit and adore for their infectious personalities.

Demmer Family- you are wonderful. To the tenth power. Thank you so much for letting me captures this moment!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

robert + fitness + wow.

I had the pleasure of meeting Robert Bolagh- fitness trainer extraordinaire last Saturday for an 'anytime' shoot in Santa Ana Art District. I was so excited to do this seeing as though I am somewhat “green” to photographing men… not to mention attractive muscular men! This opportunity was very important to me considering I have such fascination with bodies of fitness. Their bodies are such a beautiful strong form of art that I think people often look past. I for one, love: Pilates, jogging on the beach, hiking, swimming, ballet bar… but the GYM? Ugg… NO. The gym bores me and I feel I’d rather slip into a coma then pack myself in the gym like-a-sardine-on-a-treadmill for an hour! I actually bought a 3 year membership to 24 Hour Fitness and never used it!

So… kudos to those who feel the enjoyment and are able to continue renewing their memberships… evidently, with that enjoyment and persistence comes a fabulous physic!

Thank you Robert! You look A-mazing!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

a new day.

The thing I love the most about life is that every day is a new day.

We can change our minds at any time and move on to brighter things, or we can continue to sit in the mire. Personally, I’m done with all that.

I am thankful and blessed that goodness has taken up residence in my heart and started to clean this house. Believe me, this hasn’t been an easy task as I hate construction, I’m allergic to cleaning supplies and dirt is just gross! But I am a hard worker and if getting dirty is what it takes… then let it be.

Today, for as long as it’s called ‘today’, let love tear down a wall or two, and shape you into the diamond you were created to be.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

i (heart) new advertising!

I just found this... Thumbtack advertising and I thought... how cool! Plus, apparently I gain 30 points by plugging my own self! ROCK ON!

Photography- Hello Ladies! Get Your Sexxy On!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

happy birthday blog!

Dear blog… can you believe it?! We have been together 1 whole year…! And I haven’t killed you yet..! What a great (but very fast) year it has been! It’s really incredibly to look back over the past 365 days to see how things have changed… how I have changed. Since that first post I've moved to beautiful Belmont Shore, turned 30, started a rock band, married Jason Statham….(insert record scratch) Oook, well, only a couple of those are correct…but a girl can dream!

The most important thing for me when starting this blog was to be able to document certain moments and to be able to look back on my progress with photography. Although I can see I have a lot of work to do, a lot of learning, I am still very happy with where I am today.

I would love to thank you…Yes, you. I couldn't have expected my readership when i first started this blog! Just when I think I’ve posted scrap that no one cares about… there you are! With your A-mazing comments…and even if you dont leave a comment, my super spyware tells me you have at least stopped by :)
So thank you!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

gorgeous. period.

“I don't always take a good picture”, she said. I doubted this could be true. How could any camera not love this vivacity?

As photographers, I believe one of our greatest gifts is to be able to capture someone’s beauty… their joie de vivre…to let them be seen… and most important- to make them feel gorgeous in their own skin. And isn’t she stunning? Through and through.

Meet Dari.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

a dash of hope, a pinch of encouragement…. And PRESTO!!

Part of me is writing this post to encourage myself, but I do feel if one word of this helps another then I am satisfied! I want to take a moment to encourage you and I to stay focused on our GOALS today.

I have so often times heard the word ‘no’ and I hate it just as much as my little girl does. I have even been told I throw a much bigger fit than she does after hearing those 2 letters of devastation! Sometimes I get caught up in, ‘no’ and the big let-down that shadows me- sometimes I get angry and it motivates me-Sometimes I am just quiet and I wait.

I would like to think of myself as ‘a glass half full’ girl- most often when I am around other people or even here on the internet. Like everyone else, I have faced disappointment, downers and hardships- but I have learned that persistence is what works for me. Along with discipline-and of course writing things down and organizing my thoughts and plans…!

 So you know, all this musing stems from American Idol. Lol… yes that’s right! The part where JLO had to tell Room # 2 they didn’t make it to Hollywood. I found it inspiring to hear her and Steven Tyler talk about how many doors had been shut in their faces... and how many times they heard ‘no’ and how often they had to encourage themselves to continue!

Well… time to get back to work! And of course every post is better with a photo!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday 2011

Day 2 of blogging in the New Year.

Happiness is finding a little bit of heaven in your hell." A. William Hopper

To: Kaeley

Sweet little girl. I am sitting at work at my desk and my head is throbbing. There are construction workers outside my window laying down wood flooring. Great for the office bad for my brain! I can’t work and you were on my mind. I like to write to you… You may find these blog postings on your own, years down the road and how sweet I think it would be to read these words. We forget things as we get older and I never want to forget this.

This past weekend I had a photo job that you went to with me. We were shooting the interior of a restaurant and a few items from the menu. You were such a good girl and very patient! I recognize that a couple hours in your little life seems life a million! But you waited it out, and you were very helpful and everyone adored you!

When we drove away, amidst your normal jibber you told me that you have a $100.00 saved at your dad’s house from your allowance. I replied with “that’s wonderful! What are you saving your money for..?” Assuming it would be for a video game or a toy of some sorts. But you said you were going to use that Benjamin to buy us a big house…in Italy. And I would cook all day. You would go to college. Papa and grandma would come to visit. I would have to make Papa pizza.

Kaeley, you make me smile.